

Game Events

  • Start game

    Signify the start of the game.
    Use case: Start game (followed by throw-in)
  • Throw-in

    The ball is thrown up to start the game.
    Use case: Throw-in
  • Shot

    A player attempts to score either a goal or a point.
    Use cases:
    Shot (outcome) (player number)
    Shot (position) (outcome) (player number)
  • Hand pass

    A player performs a pass using their hand.
    Use case: Hand pass
  • Kick pass

    A player performs a pass using their foot.
    Use case: Kick pass
  • Free

    When a free kick is awarded
    Use case: Free
  • Side-line

    When the ball exits the field from the side-line position.
    Use case: Side-line
  • Attack

    The player has advanced into forty-five attacking posistion.
    Use case: Attack forty-five
  • Kickout

    The team restarts the game possession after an outcome.
    Use case: Kickout (posistion)


  • The location in which an event occured on the field. *(optional)
    The Short grid section is within the 45 line while the Mid grid section is outside the 45 line.
    Mark the position of Shots and Kickouts
    Use cases:
    Kickout (position)
    Shot (posistion) (outcome) (player number)


  1. Short Left
  2. Short Centre
  3. Short Right
  4. Mid Left
  5. Mid Centre
  6. Mid Right


  • Goal

    A player has scored a goal.
    Use case: Shot Goal (player number)
  • Point

    A player has scored a point.
    Use case: Shot Point (player number)
  • Wide

    A player has failed to score from an attempted shot.
    Use case: Shot Wide (player number)
  • Save

    An attempt on goal has been denied.
    Use case: Shot Save (player number)
  • Turnover

    A team has lost the ball which results in a change of possession.
    Use case: Turnover (possession)
  • Forty-five

    The ball has gone wide indicating a forty-five.
    Use case: Forty-five


  • Used to indicate which team has possession of the ball.
    Teams are refernced using the colour of their jersey e.g. Cavan = Blue, Louth = Red.
    Use cases:
    (Team colour) possession
    (Team colour) ball


  • Players are referenced by using their kit number.
    Players can be linked to events by adding their number after the outcome.
    Use cases:
    Shot Goal Player Number
    (Event) (Postion) (Outcome) Player Number